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{id="2275" title="Chartres, one hour of sound in a Gothic Cathedral"}

21.02.2014 Skolska 28, Prague CS
Marcus Bergner curated an evening with vocal performances by 
Myriam van Imschoot, Doreen Kutzke, Toine Horvers, Marcus Bergner and students from Prague art school.
I will perform Tijd and Scheepshoorn with Marcus' students, One voice (Sharing Multiplicity, a text by Samuel Vriezen) and Arf Arf poetry together with Marcus.
Myriam and Doreen will perform Hula and Myriam's new yodel-composition.

21.02. 2014 Perdu, Amsterdam
Poet Frank Keizer curated an evening with presentations on listening as literary practice, with presentations by Maarten van der Graaff , Toine Horvers and others.
Frank invited me to talk about and read from my book 'Chartres, one hour of sound in a Gothic cathedral'. Due to the fact that I am at that moment in Prague, my reading will be recorded and made audible by loudspeakers, thus highlighting the item of 'listening'.

28.02.2014 Fd. Kerspit, Gent, Belgium
The artists Mark Cloet and Janna Huyge run the art space Kerspit in their residence in a former cloister in Gent.
Mark invited me for a short residency and a talk about my book 'Chartres, one hour of sound in a Gothic cathedral'. I will stay in Gent till 16.03.
KERSPIT, Groot Begijnhof 47 Sint-Amandsberg, Gent Belgium

23.03.2014 Entrepot Fictief, Gent, Belgium
In relation to my stay in Gent I will show in the alternative Gent art space Entrepot Fictief, organized and curated by Jan Colle.
I will show handwritten drawings and books as well as notes about 'Chartres'
Entrepot Fictief, Jacob Van Caeneghemstraat 16, Gent Belgium.

Chartres, one hour of sound in a Gothic cathedral

The book is launched at Onomatopee in Eindhoven on the 22nd of november 2013, with an introduction by Samuel Vriezen.

Both the Dutch and the English version are for sale, the price is 12 euro's.
Due to the fact that the book is, besides sound, very much about language, it is interesting to have both versions beautifully designed as a couple by Vera Bekema, for 20 €.
Order from me: toine@toinehorvers.nl or from Onomatopee: info@onomatopee.net.
read more: Chartres, one hour of sound in a Gothic Cathedral

Words Live 4
29th and 30st of november and 1st of december 2013.
A very successful event about the spoken word in various art disciplines.
The idea of collecting performers and audience around a huge table worked out unexpectedly well. It was an intimate and very concentrated setting in both Perdu (Amsterdam) and Wallgallery (Rotterdam)
read and see more: words live 4

Arf Arf Melbourne

In december 2013 I visited Marisa Stirpe and Frank Lovece, two of the initial members of the performance group Arf Arf in Melbourne. Since my first meeting with their polyphonic sound-poetry performances in Sydney, many years ago, we never lost contact, especially with Marcus Bergner who some years ago moved to Prague.
Since I have performed their Poetry together with Marcus in Rotterdam, Berlin and Prague, Marisa and Frank organized an evening with the three of us in Melbourne.
Unfortunately I dont have any pictures or sound recordings of that evening,
the performance however was an honorable experience, in connecting both Arf Arf-ends across the Pacific Ocean.