In the lively acoustic courtyard of Entrepot Fictief three male performers are positioned, some meters away from each other. Each of them is equipped with headphones and an mp-3 player, from which my own reading of one-minute descriptions from my book 'Chartres, one hour of sound in a Gothic cathedral' can be heard. While hearing the sound and at the same time reading the printed text the performers reproduce the text aloud. Due to the fact that the mp-3 players are started simultaneously their readings sound in unison, thus creating a spatial performance of the voices in the courtyard space. The event, including an exhibition of drawings and books, was part of a matinee, causing the irregular visits of groups. For that reason I decided to read a different one-minute text on each whole hour of the gallery opening time.
23.03. 2014
Entrepot Fictief Gent B
performed by
Yves Lafère, Johan Derycke, Wouter Horvers, Toine Horvers