directions: multivocal speech performances 2024
rolling 1 vilnius 2024
horizons 2023 - 2024
directions-quartet 2023
Rotation 5 (tour) 2022 -
Crossing - writing solo 2022
crossing - writing group 2022
rite 2022 2022
crossing brutus 2022
Wolkenbewegingen Wandelweiser 2022
wolkenbewegingen movements of clouds 2022
five artists interviews 2021
New Polyphonies (text) 2021
strandtrappen 2021
waterhoentjesfamilie (nY) 2020
book: bewegen - schrijven / moving - writing 2020
clouds-lines 2019 - 2020
book: bewegingen-movements Toine Horvers / Henk Geraedts 1990 - 1980 2019
crossing 2019 2019
Petrichor 3 / Jeroen Jongeleen 2019
portrait Ilse S. 2018
book: liggen / lying 2018
Copying Charlois 2018
reading hans stevens 2018
Double Spiral 3 2017
Rotation 2 2016
Rotation 3 for Tom Johnson 2016
Raag Suha 2016
Rotation 4 2016
DAY am/pm 2015
Rotation 1 2015
Language 2015
Arf Arf and friends 2015
Chartres, one voice 2014
real space/real time 2014
waves 2011 2013 - 2015
News of the world 2013
Chartres, one hour of sound in a Gothic Cathedral 2013
Mei, geluid van vogels.... 2013
words live 4 2013
one voice Prague 2012 2013
Beijerkoppen 2012
One Voice (S. Vriezen) 2012
cd box Tochnit Aleph, Berlin 2012
Magaio Unison 2012
Zeetijding De Pavilljoens 2012
rolling 7 Luchtsingel 2012
singelstemmen 2012
zangvogels (singing birds) 2012
magaio panorama 2011 = 2012
Copying as a ritual act 2011
Copying as a ritual act 2 2011
zeetijding Maassluis 2011
Vozes de Magaio 2011
Music & Film 2011
copying as a ritual act, publication 2011
Sound scape 2010
Bakkum Panorama 2010
Writing Lecture, performance 2010
Intimate Selfportrait performance 2 2010
Writing Lecture, publication 2010
Book Tor line Panorama 2010
Dordtselaanportretten Deventer 2009
Words Live 2 2009
Rite 3 2009
Nombres de Calles 2009
Words Live 3 2009
Book Names, sections of the Ear 2009
Tor Line Panorama 2009
Book Names: sections of the Head 2008 - 2009
Tim Etchells' selfportrait 2008
Tim Etchells` selfportrait, performance 2008
Doorzicht 2008
Names: Sections of the brain 2008
Dordtselaanportretten 2008
Words Live 1 2008
Panorama's 2007
Subway solo 2007
Light selfportraits live 2007
Lichtkrant (Light-journal) 2007
Eurasia Poznan 2007
Book Light selfportraits 2006 - 2007
Cross Fading Lights 2006
The Bible 2006
book: Inis Oírr panorama 2006
Book: Intimate selfportrait 2006
Kunstvlaai portraits 2006 2006
Waves 2006
kunstvlaaiportretten 2006
inhalation / exhalation 2006
Trajecten 2005
Intimate Self portrait 2005
Sub urban video lounge 2004 - 2014
sub urban video lounge 2004 - 2014
Subway 2004
Inis Oirr panorama 2004
Passers-by NY 2004
Scheepshoorn (ship's horn) 2004
hoi 2004
Names: head and neck 2004
Rubbings 2004
Passers-by: waves 2004
songs 2003 -
Limestone 2003
Clouds live 2003
Inis Oírr Panorama in four directions 2003
Het Heiligdom (Sanctuary) 2003
Passers-by: clouds 2002 - 2003
Hart-slag (heart beat) 2002
Clouds (Finnegans wake) 2002
Data 2002
Lokaal 2002
Names, Orbit 2002
Names The Brain EMC 2001
Zeetijding (Ship's names) 2000
Names: Head and Neck, colour 2000
Puszcza Bialowieska 2000
Stream 6 (Calveen) 2000
Dag- Nacht (Day-Night) 2000
Ulice Warszawy (streets of Warsaw) 2000
Rivierenland 2000
Names: sections of the ear 2000
Names: Mournes - Monaghan 2000
Silence Gothique 1999
Paysage Sonore 1999
Sections of the Ear (anatomic library) 1999
Zeetijding, Performance 1999
IJsselstein Zenderpark (proposal) 1999
Names: Donegal north 1999
Passers-by: Dordtselaan 1999
Names, coronal and sagittal sections of torso 1998
Names, sections of the head 1998
Names: coronal of the body 1998
Names: orbit cor/sag 1998
Names, The brain axial sections 1998
Portraits 1998
Europa 1998
Portretten 1998
Names The head Geraedts 1997
Names, sections of the Head 1997
names: city maps 1997
Portrait 1997
Registraties 1996
Names: sections of the head 1996
Names: the world meridians 1996
De huid van de Witte Dame 1996
Clouds 9 Ermer 1995
Names: Crossing Australia 1995
Lecture7 1995
A passage way 1995
Stream 4 1995
Oíleain Arann 1995
Tivoli 1995
Stream 5 (Electro) 1995
rite 1994 - 2009
ringwave 5 1994
Stream 2 1994
Lecture 6 1994
Rite 2 study 1994
Sprong (Jump) 1994
Collection 1994
Rite 1 1994
Water levels: tidal areas 1990 1994
Water levels Rhein Deutschland 1989 1993-1994
water levels rivers and lakes 1993-1994
The weather in numbers 1993 - 1994
The bells of Voorne/Putten 1993
Europe 1993
Names: Tasmania 1993
Plan drawers 1993
Clouds 7 1992
Waves 5 1992
Clouds rolling 1990-1994
The weather in text 1990 -1992
Clouds 4 1990
Lezing 1 1990
Ring 1990
Clouds 5 1990
Lichtwolken / Clouds of Light 1990
Pauken (Kettle drums) 1990
Lichtconstructie 1990
Lezing 3 1990
Crossing voices 3 1990
Clouds 6 1990
Tide 1990
Lecture 4 1990
Clouds 8 1990
Stimmen 2 1989
Clouds Ermer 1989
Schrijven 2 / writing 2 1988
Linia Dzwieku 1988
wave 4 1988
dag 2 (beurs) - day 2 (beurs) 1988
Clouds 1 1988
Clouds 2 1988
Oktet 3 1988
Ringwave 4 1988
Vagues 1988
Crossing Voices 2 1988
Dziekanka 1988
drumming The Act NY 1988
Ringwave 2 1987
Ringwave 3 1987
Rolling 5 1987
Rolling 6 1987
Oktet, Welle für Kassel 1987
Durchschnitt/intersection 1987
Wielka 1987
schrijven 1 / writing 1 1987
Rolling 1 1986
Study for wave 1986
Twilight 1986
Stimmen 1986
Rolling 2 1986
Ringwave 1 1986
Waves 2 1986
Crossing Voices 1986
Etmaal voor Berlage 1985
balance 6 1985
meeting 1 1985
Wall 2 1985
Crossing 1984
Study for Crossing 1984
zog - wake 1984
balance 5 1984
Balance 4 1984
Balonnen: studie voor bewegingsstructuur 1984
grenzen - borders 1984
torens - towers 1983
tillen 2 - lifting 2 1983
tillen 3 - lifting 3 1983
tillen 1 - lifting 1 1983
balance 3 1983
markeren - marking 1983
dubbele spiraal 1 - double spiral 1 1983
spiraal 4 - spiral 4 1982
balance 2 1982
spiraal 3 - spiral 3 1982
progressie - progression 1982
wand - wall 1982
rolling 1982
blok 1 en 2 - block 1 and 2 1982
spiraal 2 - spiral 2 1981
maat/tijd - size/time 1981
hekwerk - fence 1981
brug - bridge 1981
overbruggen - bridging 1981
kantelen - toppling 1981
hoek 2 - corner 2 1981
springen - jumping 1981
Hangen 1981
Segmenten 1981
trap - stairs 1981
Be-tekening 1981
vormveranderingen/changes of shape 1980 - ongoing
talud / slope 1980
balance 1 1980
kijkvorm 2 / view form 2 1980
spiraal 1 spiral 1 1980
hoek 1 - corner 1 1980
kubus / cube 1980
rond - hoekig / round - angular 1980
Sprongen / jumps 1980
Kijkvorm 1 / viewform 1 1979
Vertoningen 1979
Self portrait expose yourself 1970
day 1- etmaal 1

words live 4

Words Live is a series of compilations of language based art works, brought to life by means of the spoken word.
This 4th edition again consists of performances by artists working with language and voice in various artistic disciplines. A celebration of the oral tradition in the arts, where the voices of poets, visual artists, writers, musicians and storytellers meet.
Even more than in earlier editions, Words Live 4 concentrates on reading as performance, on the narrative aspects of voice and text, which resulted in contributions in which forms and procedures vary between collage, composition and de-construction of text.
In order to, as much as possible, reduce the distance between performer and listener, the artists and audience are seated randomly around a large table.
Each person present will experience the voices differently, as they come from various directions and intermingle above the table.
The artists have been asked to choose, develop or adjust a work for this specific situation. Some works are performed with the voices of cooperating other artists.
Due to the event's approach, with the voice being the only source of sound, loudspeakers and microphones are not used: Words Live 4 might perhaps become as intimate as a living room in which people are reading out to each other. Words live 4 focuses on the intimacy of a living room where people read out to each other.


Een punt op
: 1 min.
A vocal positioning by Myriam van Imschoot and Toine Horvers
In 2012 the artists organized the voice performance 'Singelstemmen' in which participants in couples, loudly and in unison, called the coordinates of their point of location in public space. The project, developed for the Luchtsingel (ZUS-architects) was commissioned by Sculpture International Rotterdam.
For WL 4 Myriam and Toine will pronounce the data about their locations at Perdu and Wallgallery.

Timmermanskunst The art of the carpenter 8 min.
Paul Bogaers, visual artist / photographer / writer
The title of this presentation is derived from a text line appearing in Paul Bogaers' novel Tropenwee 1992, as well as in his collage-based novel Onderlangs from 2007: 'literature is merely the art of the carpenter - merely fitting together dovetails in the right way'
Paul creates new texts by endlessly cut and past parts of existing text matter.
In fact his work should be read. Only by reading the collage character appears most clearly: the cuts between the different fragments are still visible by maintaining the various original typographies.
For that reason Paul's vocal presentation for Words Live 4 is an experiment: it is an attempt to maintain the compositional character of the text by marking the cuts by a simple audible gesture.

Kunstformen der Natur 1 after Ernst Haeckel 6 min.
Cora Schmeiser, singer / performer
'Inspired by texts and illustrations of Haeckel's 'Kunstformen der Natur' from 1900, I wrote and composed 5 texts in Latin and German language: Siphonophorae, Tunicata - Gesellige Personen, Lynchnaspis miranda, PhaedrodARIA und StephoIDEA, Ophiodea.
The structure, or the 'graphic score' of the text was inspired by the forms of the illustrations.
The drawings' descriptions in German language, together with the scientific names by Ernst Haeckel formed the content and the sound scape for the voice'.
Cora Schmeiser 2013

tij grijst 1 min.
Ben Zwaal, poet
'my shortest poem in 2 lines, the opening poem of the collection 'oever drinkt water' (shore drinks water)

It was big enough to get me completely inside 14 min.
Rosie Heinrich, visual artist
Voice: Emilie Gallier, Rosie Heinrich and Toine Horvers
It was big enough... is a sound piece that Rosie published in 2012 in the form of an LP with an accompanying booklet. It's a construction of interwoven interview fragments in which three people recount their experiences of situations wherein, in effect, they lost control over their own will: 'This assemblage relates a fantastical and disturbing tale of esoteric and shamanic rituals, of training schools and occupation, of psychological and bodily accounts, treading a tenuous line between desire and turmoil. It poses the zealous nature of group and individual desire and its potential to dominate and compel'. RH

Een nachtegaal, een minuut, negen strofen
Toine Horvers, performance - text artist
Voice: Cora Schmeiser and Toine Horvers
'As a result of my book Mei (May), which recently appeared in the Slibreeks-series, I translated the nine sound movements performed by a nightingale in one minute.
This description will be performed by Cora and me in one minute'.

Cowboy 5 min.
Kathrin Wolkowicz, visual artist and filmmaker
voices: Kathrin Wolkowicz and Gerwin Luijendijk
'For Words Live 4, I decided to develop two performances based on texts from my books. In 'Cowboy', I will use my own voice in combination with a 'voiceover' by the artist Gerwin Luijendijk. With Gerwin I collaborated in various sorts of music (folk, schlager, pop) and I feel challenged to transform my written texts into a vocal text piece that is not a mere translation but rather leading to a new work, having a different resonance in space.'

Scrambled speech 6 min.
Myriam van Imschoot, performance artist / writer / filmmaker
In Scrambled Speech language is falling apart into phonemes and morphemes, sounds, breaths and sighs. It is a scattered avalanche of syllables, consonants, vowels, and repetitions. Meanwhile a sentence appears and some other ones. Scrambled Speech is an extract from Myriam Van Imschoot's solo performance Living Archive, where memory is mediated through the DIY recording cultures of mixed tapes, minidisks and other carriers that grow extinct.

Reiterations to S's Cornered Thoughts and B's Blinkered Busyness....
8 min.
Marcus Bergner, experimental filmmaker / sound poet / visual artist
'"Aspiring towards sonorous relapses of literary parlance, my work for Words Live 4 will bring together a series of ‘illegible events’, ‘speech acts’ and ‘staggered alliterations’ gleamed or arranged from reading Honoré Balzac and Gertrude Stein. In many senses this will be a direct continuation of the kind of literary investigations carried out by the Australian sound poetry group Arf Arf of which I have been a long-term collaborator and member."


In toestand van [oorlog] 2013 7 min.
Rozalie Hirs, poet / composer
In toestand van….is a listening experiment by n-readers performed by 12 voices.
The n-readers listen to the other, the n1-readers, and speak as soon as they catch certain signal words.
The score is entirely timed and written out.
In case the n-readers in question missed a certain signal word, several retakes are possible

 8 min.
Rachel Carey, visual artist / writer
In an age where we are told that the middle class is slowly disappearing, the opposite spectrums of surplus and reduced means seem to manifest themselves more noticeably. For a present moment, we will swim in a standardized pool of stored energy: energy that binds, constricts, and reduces down to repeated essentials. For Words Live 4, Rachel Carey has developed a performance that explores using stored energy.

on ordeningen en 1 gewezen taal uit: De weg naar het een Boek En 4 min.
Hans Stevens (1948 - 2013) visual artist / writer / thinker
voice: Toine Horvers and G.J. de Rook
The book 'En' is an impressive archive of thousands of A4-sheets with machine-typed words and texts, at which Hans Stevens worked during his entire life. An extensive meditation on fundamental matters of existence, written in an idiosyncratic, awkwardly constructed, wordy language.

W / B 2 min
Kathrin Wolkowicz, visual artist and filmmaker
Kathrin is intrigued how one spends time with text. In her second performance for WL4, she will read out loud from her book W / B which was initially meant to be a silent, single experience for one reader. This performance is an attempt to render an intimate text-experience public.

Essay for Four Voices and Twelve Books 11 min.
Samuel Vriezen, poet / composer / pianist / writer
performed by various voices
'EFVTB' is part of a series of compositions, in which it is not primarily sounds that are composed, but the act of reading. It is a meeting of readers, and of books. The essay of the title is what might come out of that encounter: an attempt to discover how the books and readers resonate with one another. Earlier pieces using similar ideas include Motet (2004, premiered in Perdu) and Ten Readers (2008, written for Words Live 1).

Kunstformen der Natur 2 after Ernst Haeckel 6 min.
Cora Schmeiser, singer / performer

Een kamer 8 min.
Ben Zwaal, poet / theatre maker
'my longest poem ever, my debute in Raster in 1980.
I once published the text anonymously in a Bewth-theatre publication, designed by the artist Richard Menken, put in nearly unreadable small letters, I needed a lens to be able to read it.
So maybe I can read it out from this lousy paper, resulting in gaps and stotters.
It is about a woman and a fly looking at each other, with the repeatedly appearing sentence:
'but that’s not all'.

Muage - kwintet
Teun de lange, media artist
performed by various voices
For his contribution to the Slibreeks - a series of small books published by the province of Zeeland - Teun wrote 'Muage, according to Cage' a language/music piece based on quotes by John Cage.
The title refers to Cage's 'Mureau' a collage which in turn refers to the work of Henry David Thoreau.
This Kwintet - version of Muage was specially developed for Words Live 4.

Siseneg 5 min.
G.J. de Rook, poet / language artist
As in earlier stages, the recent work of G.J. De Rook is characterized by a 'dry' analytical approach. The artist is more a researcher than a poet, more a strategist than a word-artist.
In Siseneg he works with a more than well-known text, which he wants to provide with a new content by a different way of presenting.

Reizende Zeilen

Neuropäpste (duo van geniale dilettanten) Florian Cramer, Mariëtte Groot
With Reizende Zeilen (Travelling Sails / Prikkelende Zinnen) the Neuropäpste, Mariëtte Groot (NL) and Florian Cramer (D), play an ingenious game with (their) bilingualism. The starring point is simple: two parties, two halves. To keep things simple: German on the left and Dutch on the right. In the beginning each play within their boundaries, but the borders soon become indistinct and compel the two halves to merge; they converge, and shrink to a central point. Reizende Zeilen is a complex lingual ritual that incites skewed hearing.

date29,30 - 11 and 01 - 12
locationSt. Perdu amsterdam, Wallgallery Rotterdm
brief descriptiona performance event about the spoken word in various art-disciplines where performers and audience are randomly seated around a table.
performed byMarcus bergner-Paul Bogaers-Rachel Carey-Florian Cramer-Emilie Gallier-Mariëtte Groot- Rosie Heinrich-Rozalie Hirs-Toine Horvers-Myriam van Imschoot-Teun de Lange-Gerwin Rook-Cora Schmeiser-Hans Stevens-Samuel Vriezen-Kathrin Wolkowicz-B
curatorToine Horvers / Kathrin Wolkowicz
photographyDavid Stamp
further informationfinancially supported by St. Volkskracht en Budelinc

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers:

© Toine Horvers: