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rolling 1 De Appel Amsterdam 1986 photo: lex van Lith

07.09.2024  5.30 am - 9 pm aprox. at Contemporary Art Centre Vilnius Lituania
rolling 1  (1986)
Sound-installation with drum-rolling as part of the opening weekend of Same Day the 15th Baltic Triennal, curated by Maya Tounta and Tom Engels.
Other artists performing at the opening weekend: Andrius Arutiunian, Mette & Iben Edvardsen, Dana Michel, Eszter Salamon.
Organization: Manté Valiunaité, technical realisation: Lukas Strolia and Vytautas Narbutos

rolling 1
'‘My sculpture consists of a human being who, for a time, is moving, living on the tops of his energy, and by this action abolishes time.’ - from ‘Drumming’ by Toine Horvers in The Act NY Vol. 1, No. 3, NY 1988/1989,  p. 23.

Snare drums are positioned in the middle of the main exhibition hall. Two teams of drummers keep an unbroken drumroll going from first light till dark.
rolling was originally conceived for and performed at De Appel, Amsterdam in 1986.
The video documentation of the original performance by Frank Gribling was presented in "Performance registrations: Dan Graham, Toine Horvers, Joan Jonas” at Laurenz Space in Vienna in 2024.
rolling 1

15.09.2024  7 pm rotation 5 (2019) Euromastpark Rotterdam at cross-paths near Nottebohmbrug
performance as part of A system is not the sum of its parts 13 - 15 sept. interventions in public space, curated by Marijn Bril for Art Central Rotterdam. 
Other performing artists: Ilke Gers, Elsemarijn Bruys, Cengiz Mengüc, Marika Vandekraats.
For images of all rotation 5 performances see:
rotation 5 (tour)

I rotate slowly on my my axis, calling out the names of the four wind directions at the moment I pass them. During following rotations I call out the names of the four wind directions in other languages.

26.10.2024  8 pm Kunstavond at studio Geert Koevoets Tilburg NL
multi-voiced speech performances performed with people present at the event.
Other artists: Romee van Oers and Jasper van Aarle.
Curated by Geert Koevoets