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richtingen/kwartet 04.06.23 Budelinc Ruimte voor ideeën photo: Erno Wientjens

Toine Horvers directions/quartet

04.06.2023  11 am Budelinc Ruimte voor ideeën, Vijverhofstraat 114 Rotterdam
24.06.2023  8 pm Pictura Voorstraat 190 Dordrecht

directions/quartet is a series of multi-voiced performances, based on older and more recent works that Toine Horvers earlier performed solo. Works in which he articulates space and time through language and voice.
The six works of directions / quartet 'play' with the rigid concept of the four wind directions  north east south west by which we indicate locations and movements.
Four performers at the same time pronounce the names and descriptions of the four wind directions in the relevant directions, like a sculpture that you have to walk around in order to experience it spatially.

Thanks to a grant from Rotterdam Arts Council Toine Horvers was able to experiment on this subject in five working sessions .
In addition to working on speech and voice - thanks to Cora Schmeiser - we worked on finding simple systems and tools with which we would be able to realize those 'sculptures'.
The works are performed from four points around the middle of the space in north, east, south and west direction. Two works need a fifth voice that indicates the underlaying structure.
Duration of the series of six works is about 50 minutes.

The works:
- double spiral performed by two people  5 min.
- one tone by four female performers  8 min.
- names: meridians a journey around the world from the North Pole in four directions 10 mi.
- Inis Oírr panorama description of a landscape in four directions   5 min.
- rotation 3 (FTJ) dividing 360 degrees in space and time   13:20 min.
- names: wind directions the names of the four wind directions in 65 languages  8 min.

Janneke van der Putten
Cora Schmeiser
Kathrin Wolkowicz
ieke Trinks
Geert van Mil
Toine Horvers