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Rotation 5 Hof van Nederland Dordrrecht 15.05.2022 photo Frans van Lent

Rotation 5 (wind directions) performance in public space during the month of May.

I never ask myself  questions about the psychological or political effect of my work, but since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, I see my performances with the wind directions as metaphorical for unlimited physical and mental space: freedom.
One of those works is Rotation 5 from the series Spirals and Rotations which came in being after my meetings with Sufi’s in Istanbul in 2015:

I slowly rotate on my axis, calling out the words north, east, south, west when passing those directions. During following rotations I call out the names of the four wind directions in (till now) 60 other languages.

I intend to perform Rotation 5 on various locations, spread in time over the month of may.
Therefore I asked art centres and institutes to suggest a spot or location  in their surroundings, including a possible period or day in May for the performance.
Rotation 5 now covers 60 languages and it takes 30 minutes to call out all the words.
Despite the fact that the work can take place anywhere, I now looked especially for outside locations which, although open for public, also have a sort of concentration due to acoustics, measurements or built environment, like for instance a courtyard, a small square or garden.
The performance can take place in the day or in the evening and does not require any preparation or technical support: there is only my voice, speaking or calling out.

From the responses I made a performance schedule:

5      Museum garden Hulst 13.15 cur. Paul Cornelis Hulstart
7      Garden Tante Nino  r'dam 17.00 cur. Nino Purtskhavanidze
15    Hof van Nederland Dordrecht 16.00 cur. Frans van Lent
18    Tilburg Fontys kunstcluster Muzetuin onder de grote beuk 13.15 cur. Danae Theodoridou
19    Afrikaanderplein Rotterdam Gal.Niffo 16.00 cur. Zoë Cochia
22    Courtyard ateliers Borgerstraat 15.00 (artrotterdam)
26    Garden BEAR Artez Arnhem 13.00 cur. Edward Clydesdale Thomas
28    Block-C Groningen galerie-roof 16.00 cur. Marinus Augustijn en Agnes Scholte
3      Leeszaal West Rotterdam 15.30 cur. Joke van der Zwaard
12    Otje-festival tuin 't Otje 14.00 cur. Jacco
18    (to  be confirmed) museumnacht Boijmans Depot
26    T56 Eindhoven 3 pm  cur. Luk Sponselee
?      (to be confirmed) Emma windmolen Nieuwcuijk cur. Legs Boelen