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performing {id="2270" title="News of the world"} final exhibition Lokaal 01 Breda image Jan van den Dobbelsteen

08.06 Lokaal 01 Breda, performance program in the last exhibition 'Once more unto the breach'
I will perform News of the world

14.07 3 - 6 pm V2 Rotterdam
I will read from 'Copying as a ritual act' 2011 Dublin 2011, as part of an afternoon with performances and soundpoetry initiated by Inge Hoonte and Piet Zwart Institute.
In the frame of Piet Zwart graduation show.

26/27.07 Wandelweiser: Klangraum, Kunstraum Düsseldorf
Wandelweiser is an international composers group, based in Düsseldorf and founded by Antoine Beuger. Besides concerts, Wandelweiser organizes poetry and art performances
most of which deal with sound and text.
In the Klangraum Sommerseries I will perform some works with the coöperation of others:
friday 26:
- One Voice, a new version with Antoine Beuger DE, José Pablo Estrada Torrescano
MX, Cem Güney TR.
- Tijd (time) 1998 counting seconds in 5 languages
- Sound scape (writing) 2010 solo
- News of the world 2013 solo
saturday 27
- Waves 2010 solo

Phoebus Gallery/Poetry International Rotterdam
readings by various artists in the frame of Poetry International Rotterdam
09.06 3 pm. G.J de Rook and myself will read texts by Hans Stevens.
14.06 3 pm I will read texts by Hans Stevens and perform parts from 'Copying as ritual act' (Dublin 2010) Nan Groot-Antink will read lists of names of herbs in De Ladenkast and the French Poet Michelle Métail (guest of Poetry International) will read from her poetry.

12.06 8 pm. Poetry International. Stadsschouwburg Rotterdam, main hall
Two drawings from the series Clouds Live (Inis Oírr, 2003) will be projected as a background for the readings of the poets Elke Erb and Roland Jooris.

25.06 1 pm V2 Rotterdam
Narratives of Deception, a work byAndré Castro (PT), participant of Piet Zwart Institute. The work is based on 'long-story' spam-emails which texts will be read by Cora Schmeiser, Jozef van Rossum and myself.
see http://www.andrecastro.info and http://www.v2.nl for more information

29.06 Rumpsti Pumsti (Musik) Berlin
release Tochnit Aleph dvd-edition 'Thread of voice' a film by Arf Arf, the legendary performance group from Melbourne, Australia.
Together with Arf Arf member Marcus Bergner I will perform some Arf Arf sound poetry and some of my own vocal works.

Chartres, one hour of sound in a Gothic cathedral
Since some years I am working on descriptions of sounds in the cathedral of Chartres.
I divided a one-hour soundtrack – recorded years ago on a day that there were no ritual activities in the building – in 60 one-minute tracks and described each minute as objective and precise as possible without mentioning the sound sources.
I further tried to avoid onomatopoeias, music- and sound-technical words and expressions, poetic/impressionistic/expressive language, comparisons, metaphors, finite forms, names, Latin based words (unless there was no Dutch or English equivalent), explanations, assumptions, conclusions, considerations.....
Chartres is written in a language that rests after leaving out all tools and ingredients that are often used in describing sounds or other immaterial subjects. By these restrictions I forced myself into a deeper concentration on (and understanding of) sounds and words.

Thanks to financial support by Mondriaan Fonds, I will present the book in collaboration with Onomatopee Editions in Eindhoven in autumn this year.
The book will be printed by Lecturis in a Dutch and English edition of 250 copies each.
translations to English: Simon Benson
text advise and corrections: Dick van Teylingen
graphic design: Vera Bekema

vogels, een uur voor zonsopkomst en een uur na zonsondergang in een duindal op de kop van Schouwen
(May, birds, one hour before sunrise, one hour after sunset in

De Slibreeks, a series of small books by Centrum Beeldende Kunst Zeeland, has a long tradition. Each year three writers, poets or visual artists are invited to produce a book.
I was invited by Marinus van Dijke, one of the editors of the series, to create number 143.
My book is a two hour time table which I fill in with notations about the sounds of birds, as observed and described on the 7th of may, during one hour before sunrise and after sunset. The location for my observations is the coast of the island Schouwen in Zeeland, where the beach meets the bush.
The book will appear in september/october 2013 in Dutch language.
text advice: Dick van Teylingen
design: Koos Siep

29/30.11 / 01.12 Words Live 4
Perdu Amsterdam / Wallgallery Rotterdam
a next edition of live events about text and voice, this time in collaboration with Kathrin Wolkowicz and Michel van Adrichem (Wallgallery) with:
Paul Bogaers, Cora Schmeiser, Rosie Heinrich, Myriam van imschoot, Hans Stevens (read by Toine Horvers), Kathrin Wolkowicz/Gerwin Luijendijk, Teun de Lange, Marcus Bergner, Gabriëlle Barros Martins, Janneke van der Putten, Samuel Vriezen, G.J. de Rook, Rachel Carey, Florian Cramer/Mariëtte Groot.